Total War: WARHAMMER II - Rise Of The Tomb Kings Download

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Rise of the Tomb Kings. New Tomb Kings Race playable in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns; Unique Race mechanics inspired by the Tomb Kings lore; 4 new playable Legendary Lords: Settra the Imperishable, High Queen Khalida, Grand Hierophant Khatep and Arkhan the Black. This product is a brand new and unused Total War: WARHAMMER II - Rise of the Tomb Kings CD Key for Steam. Immediately after payment, you will be sent a unique and unused CD Key which can be activated on Steam.You can collect this activation code from our Autokey page. Simply enter your code into the Steam client (available free from All in all, Rise of the Tomb Kings with its titular race is an excellent addition to the ever-expanding Total War: Warhammer II roster. It plays very differently from the existing factions and favours slow build-up play and a defensive strategy over reckless land-grabbing. News PC Total War: Warhammer 2 Rise of the Tomb Kings Tretch Craventail DLC about 2 years ago by Dean Clark The Rise of the Tomb Kings DLC for Total War: Warhammer 2 is finally available. After invading the sacred grounds within the crypt, a new enemy has risen and he brought his entire legion army with him!

Tomb Kings are a major race introduced in Total War: Warhammer II through the paid DLC Rise of the Tomb Kings. They are playable in campaign, multiplayer and custom battles. Players can choose between four playable sub-factions, each led by a different legendary lord.

NOTICE: Requires the basegame Total War: WARHAMMER II in order to play. Activationkey must be used on a valid Steam account. Requires internetconnection.

About the game

Across the arid deserts of Nehekhara, vast legions of skeletalwarriors rise from beneath the baking sands to slaughter those whotrespass into their domain. It is a lifeless realm of endlessdunes, stained red from the blood of savages and barbarians. Thisis the Land of the Dead, where mummified kings are cursed to rulein perpetual unlife. But it was not always thus.

There was a time when the ancient kingdom of Nehekhara stood asa crown of human civilisation; a golden age when its cities shonewith majestic splendour, its armies conquered entire nations andits kings ruled as gods among men. But this realm was razedmillennia ago by the treacherous sorcery of reviled Nagash: in astroke, the living perished and the dead rose from their tombs.

Total War: Warhammer Ii - Rise Of The Tomb Kings Download Free


Death is no barrier to glory for the Tomb Kings however. Inunlife, they will see the empire of Nehekhara restored togreatness!

Key Features

About this content Overlord™ download.

  • New Tomb Kings Race playable in both the Eye of the Vortex andMortal Empires campaigns
  • Unique Race mechanics inspired by the Tomb Kings lore
  • 4 new playable Legendary Lords: Settra the Imperishable, HighQueen Khalida, Grand Hierophant Khatep and Arkhan the Black
  • Gather the cursed Books of Nagash and win the battle for theBlack Pyramid to achieve ultimate victory
  • Uncover the mysteries of the past by researching the NehekharanDynasties
  • Tap the Realm of Souls to regenerate your troops and summonUshabti in battle
  • Combine exotic trade goods and Canopic Jars – the Tomb Kings'unique resource – to craft magic items and raise fabled Legions ofLegend at the Mortuary Cult
  • Comprehensive army roster featuring iconic units from theWarhammer Fantasy Battles world

Campaign gameplay

While Tomb Kings can be played in the Eye of the Vortexcampaign, they do not seek to influence the vortex, and thereforedo not engage in the race for control of it. Instead, they seek thenine cursed Books of Nagash, a search culminating in an epic battleat the Black Pyramid of Nagash itself. Each of these books grants aunique campaign bonus, and puts the player a step further along theroad to victory.
Unique resource: Canopic Jars
Ancient containers filled with arcane energy, Canopic Jars canbe collected through missions, buildings, and as post-battle loot.They are used to awaken powerful units, unlock techs, perform ritesand to craft unique items in the Mortuary Cult.
The Mortuary Cult
Keepers of the Lore of Nehekhara and the secrets ofrevivification, the Liche Priests of the Mortuary Cult can becalled upon to construct unique and venerable items. Using acombination of trade resources and Canopic Jars, the player canorder the construction of unique magic weapons, armour, talismans,plus enchanted and arcane items. For a cost, the Mortuary Cult canalso resurrect powerful Legions of Legend for use in yourarmies.
The Dynasties of Nehekhara
Rather than developing new technologies, the Tomb Kings seek tounearth the achievements of their dynastic forbears. By studyingthese histories, players can resurrect great rulers of the past toserve as Lords for their armies, increase capacity for the variousTomb Kings Heroes, unlock a host of campaign and unit buffs, andawaken the Heralds of ancient armies – unique followers who bringpowerful bonuses to key unit types in an army.


The Tomb Kings have four unique Rites which may be unlocked andused in campaign:

Great Incantation of Ptra
Invoking the sun god summons Ptra's Necrotect, a unique Herocharacter capable of colonising ruins at city level 3.
Great Incantation of Khsar
Invoking the god of the desert wind generates sandstorms acrossall player-owned regions. This causes attrition to foreign armies,increases your ambush success chance and confers the army abilitySand Veil (enables a unit to become Hidden and gain Stalk inbattle, making them invisible to the enemy until they draw veryclose).
Great Incantation of Geheb
Invoking the god of strength increases Canopic Jar generationand province growth, reduces construction time, and confers thearmy ability Tombswarm (a swirling swarm of Scarabs which damagesthe target and moves in the same manner as a vortex spell).
Great Incantation of Tahoth
Invoking the god of scholars adds a Casket of Souls magicalartillery unit to the recruitment pool. It also confers a rankbonus to newly recruited Tomb Kings and unit recruits, andincreases recruitment capacity factionwide.

Legendary Lords

The Tomb Kings feature four playable Legendary Lords, each withtheir own abilities, campaign bonuses, skill trees, quest-chainsand campaign start-positions in both the Eye of the Vortex campaignand Mortal Empires.

Settra The Imperishable
Settra is the king of all Tomb Kings. He is a ruthless leaderwhose thirst for conquest knows no bounds. Unlike other Tomb Kings,his unyielding will is such that he never needs to return to hissarcophagus to rest. The immortality he so desired in life is nowhis, and the civilisations that flourished in his absence now feelhis wrath.
Settra is a great leader, bringing bonuses to growth and publicorder, while reducing construction time. He also confers bonusarmour to Skeleton Chariot and Tomb Guard units, and has aselection of unlockable mounts, including the Khemrian Warsphinxand the flame-wreathed Chariot of the Gods.
High Queen Khalida
The Warrior-Queen of Lybaras was famed for her intelligence,honour and bravery. Her reign was cut tragically short by hercousin Neferata, who had attempted to create the Elixir of Life.Instead of true immortality though, Neferata's flawed potiongranted the twisted form known as Vampirism, and as the firstVampire slew her cousin in combat, she granted her the Blood Kiss.With her last breath, Khalida cried out to Asaph, the serpentgoddess, who purified her of the taint. She is now the Goddess'chosen, with Asaph's divine venom coursing through her veins.
Khalida reduces all forms of corruption, enjoys a diplomaticrelations bonus with other Tomb Kings factions and grants a heftybonus to ammunition for all ranged units across her faction Shealso confers poison attacks on all units in her army and suffersconsiderably less from attrition effects.
Grand Hierophant Khatep
The head of the Mortuary Cult's Hieorphantic Council, Khatep isthe oldest and wisest of the Liche Priests, and the first of themto deny death's embrace. It was Khatep who awoke Settra to unlifeafter Nagash's Great Ritual levelled Nehekhara, but Settra'sdistrust of the Mortuary Cult led him to exile Khatep. Now he roamsthe Land of the Dead, assisting the Tomb Kings where he can andseeking a way to restore himself in the eyes of Settra.
Khatep grants a bonus to Dynasty research rate, and improvescasualty replenishment and army movement factionwide. He can alsorecruit a higher number of Liche Priest Heroes, and recruits themat a higher rank.
Arkhan the Black
Total war warhammer 2 tomb kings guide
Nagash's principle lieutenant, Arkhan helped lead the coupwhich brought the hated arch-necromancer to initial power. He ledmany armies against Nagash's enemies, and was finally slain in asuicidal counter-attack against the Priest King's soldiers thatenabled Nagash to escape. He was raised again by his master tobecome the Liche King, and for countless generations since Nagash'sdeath at the hands of King Alcadizaar, he has vented his wrath onthe lands of the living.
Arkhan enjoys bonus diplomatic relations with Vampire Countsfactions, and his regions never suffer public order penalties fromVampiric corruption. Heroes embedded in his army gain melee attackand melee defence bonuses, and all his armies factionwide gain aboost to their Winds of Magic Power Reserve.
New Lord: Tomb King
Tomb Kings are the principle Lords which lead the armies ofNehekhara. A number will appear as standard in the recruitmentpool, but unique, named Tomb Kings – famous rulers from the sixdynasties of Nehekharan history – may be resurrected via theDynasties panel, at which point they enter your Lords recruitmentpool. Tomb kings may unlock the Skeletal Steed, Skeleton Chariot,and Khemrian Warsphinx as mounts.
New Hero: Tomb Prince
Following the example of their kings, Tomb Princes aspire togreatness in all things. They form the principle champions of theNehekharan forces in battle, and have a unique Curse ability whichmakes targeted enemies enter a state of Rampage. Tomb princes mayunlock Skeletal Steeds and Skeletal Chariots as mounts.
New Hero: Liche Priest
The adepts of the Mortuary Cult are the Tomb King's principlesorcerers. They may be recruited to wield the Lore of Light, theLore of Death, or the Lore of Nehekhara, and have a unique Curseability which reduces enemy armour values. They also gain theImmortal skill earlier than other agents. Liche priests may unlockSkeletal Steeds and Skeleton Chariots as mounts.
New Hero: Necrotect
Representing millennia of architectural wisdom, Necrotects arethe builders and taskmasters of Nehekhara. They perform a number offunctions, such as reducing building costs and increasing movementspeed when embedded in your armies, but also fulfil a key supportrole in battle. As master masons, they provide passive aura-basedbuffs to Construct units such as Ushabti, Tomb Scorpions andHierotitans, improving their combat abilities in a number of ways.Necrotects may unlock Skeletal Steeds and Skeleton Chariots asmounts.

Battle gameplay

The Realm of Souls
The Realm of Souls is the revered afterlife of Nehekharanlegend, and the origin of the Liche Priests' magical power. As moreof your warriors fall to the enemy in battle, more souls enter theRealm, which is tracked in the battle UI. At three key thresholds,the Realm of Souls triggers a mass healing-wave among your skeletalunits, each wave becoming successively more powerful. After thefinal wave, the player also gains an army ability allowing them tosummon a unit of statuesque Ushabti anywhere on thebattlefield.
Total War: WARHAMMER II - Rise Of The Tomb Kings Download
The Lore of Nehekhara
In battle, Liche Priests may harness the power of the desertgods and wield the Tomb King's signature magic, the Lore ofNehekhara.

System requirements

Play Total War Warhammer 2 Rise of the Tomb Kings on Windows 10

Hello readers across the world! You can now download Total War: WARHAMMER II for Windows 10, before you do that, I hope and believe you are all doing very well, as for me I am having a slight headache, but I believe that it’ll be gone in time after I will be done with my medication. I am not a big fan of pills anyway, but since I gotta get rid of this sickness am forced to be taking at least 3 pills per day. Besides that, I have been helping my boss working on the new versions of this website, WindowsMode 2.0. and am pretty sure you’ll love the new layout design we’ve come up with.

Today we will be promoting a new war game for windows pc like Windows 7,8.1 and 10 called TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER. Some of you might have heard of it, a similar series by the same creators and publishers, SEGA and Creative Assembly. The orange box. TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER was released on 23 January this year. You gather the cursed books of Nagash and win the battle for the battle of black pyramid to achieve ultimate victory.

What Is Total War: WARHAMMER II – Rise of the Tomb Kings Game About?

  • New Tomb Kings Race playable in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns
  • Unique Race mechanics inspired by the Tomb Kings lore
  • 4 new playable Legendary Lords: Settra the Imperishable, High Queen Khalida, Grand Hierophant Khatep and Arkhan the Black
  • Gather the cursed Books of Nagash and win the battle for the Black Pyramid to achieve ultimate victory
  • Uncover the mysteries of the past by researching the Nehekharan Dynasties
  • Tap the Realm of Souls to regenerate your troops and summon Ushabti in battle
  • Combine exotic trade goods and Canopic Jars – the Tomb Kings’ unique resource – to craft magic items and raise fabled Legions of Legend at the Mortuary Cult
  • Comprehensive army roster featuring iconic units from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world

Across the arid deserts of Nehekhara, vast legions of skeletal warriors rise from beneath the baking sands to slaughter those who trespass into their domain. It is a lifeless realm of endless dunes, stained red from the blood of savages and barbarians. This is the Land of the Dead, where mummified kings are cursed to rule in perpetual unlife. But it was not always thus.

There was a time when the ancient kingdom of Nehekhara stood as a crown of human civilisation; a golden age when its cities shone with majestic splendour, its armies conquered entire nations and its kings ruled as gods among men. But this realm was razed millennia ago by the treacherous sorcery of reviled Nagash: in a stroke, the living perished and the dead rose from their tombs.

Death is no barrier to glory for the Tomb Kings however. In unlife, they will see the empire of Nehekhara restored to greatness!

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Rise of the Tomb Kings Download Links

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Rise of the Tomb Kings Gameplay Screenshots

Total War: WARHAMMER II – Rise of the Tomb Kings Video Gameplay

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Total Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings

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Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings Guide

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