King's Bounty: The Legend Download

Privacy policy

Last updated: August 2020

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Become a hero in a fantasy world of fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings and beautiful princesses. Explore the land, command armies and accomplish quests for your king to reap great rewards. Or suffer devastating defeats. The gameplay is divided into two major sections: adventure mode and tactics mode.

When You use Our Website, Our games and services, You agree to be boundby the Terms. You should not use any Our games or services unless You accept boththis Privacy Policy and Our Terms and Conditions.

If You do not agree with this Privacy Policy, You should immediatelycease use of Our website, Our games and products, forums and services. Youshould delete cookies related to Our Website or other websites where Our gameswere played, uninstall any Our games from Steam, Xbox, or PS4, and delete thegames from Your device(s).

King's Bounty: The Legend is a Real-time / Turn-based Strategy with RPG elements. In a fairy tale fantasy world of fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings and beautiful princesses the player controls a hero. King's Bounty: The Legend is an adventure game with tactical turn-based battles and role-playing elements. In a fairy tale fantasy world of fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings and beautiful.


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The categories of the data,which are processed by 1C Online Games include:

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About Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory. History forged the ties. Empire made them tighter. Can war tear them apart? Join the Dominions as they step up to the challenge of defending the motherland for King and Country in Together for Victory, the first major expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, the critically acclaimed strategy wargame from Paradox Development Studio. Expansion - hearts of iron iv: together for victory. Together for Victory: This expansion to Hearts of Iron IV introduces unique historical paths and events for the major British Dominions - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - and the. Hearts of Iron IV - Together for Victory (Expansion) Buy Hearts of Iron IV Together for Victory now! You will receive the key for the DLC by Paradox Interactive via eMail within the delivery time stated above. Join the Dominions as they step up to the challenge of defending the motherland for King and Country. Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass includes: Together for Victory: This expansion to Hearts of Iron IV introduces unique historical paths and events for the major British Dominions - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - and the Indian Raj, as well as a new autonomy system to. Join the Dominions as they step up to the challenge of defending the motherland for King and Country in Together for Victory, the first major expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, the critically acclaimed strategy wargame from Paradox Development Studio.

We also may collect and process additional data, for example, if You contactOur support.

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Wecollect the Personal Data which can identify You as an individual only as andwhen it is necessary in order to provide Our services. Please don't touch anything 3d download free. 1C Online Games takessteps to ensure it does not store the Personal Data without reason, and willreview and remove any Personal Data that it is not necessary to adequatelyprovide its services. In no case will the Personal Data collected be sold orunlawfully passed on to any third parties for any other reasons.

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Save the land from evil and make a name for yourself in this role-playing game/turn-based strategy mixture

It is pretty difficult to make something marketable in the fantasy TBS genre nowadays, because that style of games is slowly going out of fashion and not many people would dare to spend money on a product like that. However, if you manage to do it just right, you can hit the jackpot anyway and come up with something like King's Bounty: The Legend, which is about as close to perfection as it can get under the circumstances.

Become the royal treasure searcher

The game appears to be as modern as possible on the outside, given the luxurious user interface and the beautiful artwork that decorates everything in between the actual gameplay sessions. However, stripped down to its bare gameplay mechanics, King's Bounty: The Legend is the embodiment of a classic TBS/RPG combination, akin to Heroes of Might and Magic and, obviously, the first King’s Bounty.

The setting and the story are classic as well, since you begin by being proclaimed a knight and a royal treasure searcher, sworn to protect the crown and help the king dig for hidden gold. A great evil is obviously threatening the realm as well, which means that you must use your hero’s abilities to dispatch with the nasty creatures, as well as make your name for yourself along the way. Hence, you get the chance to become more powerful, gain a lot of money and powerful artifacts, as well as get a wife and even father some children while you’re at it.

Hex grid-based combat and free map exploration

New kingKing

Out on the map, you are free to move as you wish, which means that you do not have to calculate your action points while exploring. However, the enemies can move as well, which means that if you stumble into something nasty out there, you’d better run as fast as you can, because the creatures can pursue you. After you enter into combat mode, however, things get classic again, with the battlefield split into hexagonal grid cells and the two armies facing each other.

Naturally, you can move your units around depending on their available movement points, but a spellbook is also available when you need to cast some magic. The enemy can do the same to you, however, so the encounters are definitely challenging and fun at the same time. In addition, the graphic quality is top notch, which gives you plenty to gaze at while your army is being obliterated by dragons.

New King's Bounty

A long campaign and three different classes to try out

All things considered, King's Bounty: The Legend is everything you need it to be, if you are a TBS/RPG hybrid fan. It’s funny and intriguing at the same time, there are many magic artifacts to find and use, the spellbook is spacious, dragons are not missing, and everything is colorful enough to make the fantasy setting that much more inviting.

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King's Bounty: The Legend Demo was reviewed by Alexandru Dulcianu
  • Limited gameplay
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King S Bounty The Legend Download

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King's Bounty The Legend Patch 1.7 Download

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